What to Bring - General
A small pack with water and a snack is a good idea. I carry between 2 and 3 liters of water and
several different "bars". I don't like to eat much at all when I hike but I have know experienced
hikers who seem to be able to carry and consume actual meals. I also bring a towel, compass, maps,
first-aid supplies, bug repellant, a GPS (most times), waterproof matches and a knife (no guns!).
As the days grow shorter, I also carry an LED headlamp just in case I need a little light to
walk by. Just remember that the weight of all items increases in direct proportion to the distance traveled.
Essential Equipment
- Water
- Food
- Toilet paper
- Map
- Compass
- Extra clothing
- First aid supplies
- Waterproof matches
- Fire starter
- Light
- Knife
- Heavy Plastic Bag
- Sunscreen
- Duct tape